
Narrated by actress and environmental activist Kristin Bauer, this Mercy For Animals investigation video reveals abuse of sensitive, intelligent fish at American farms.

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A Cramped Existence

Each tank contains thousands of fish living in filthy water. These conditions result in high stress levels and fatality rates for these animals.

Some fish, like catfish, will live in ponds for two years—if they survive. Up to 40 percent of these sensitive animals die before reaching a slaughterhouse. How? Many die from diseases that spread easily in crowded spaces.

New Mercy For Animals Investigation

In fish farms like these, infections triggered by high stocking densities, poor water quality, and chronic stress are fought by adding large amounts of antibiotics to the water.

Like other intensive farming systems, fish farming has been designated a “hotspot” for disease.

Painfully Shocked

At the slaughterhouse, these sensitive animals are dumped from tanks onto conveyor belts, where they are left for an extended time and begin to suffocate.

The investigator also documented fish being shocked with electrified prods. This immobilizes them so they are easier for workers to handle, but there is no evidence that it renders them insensible to pain.

They Have Extraordinary Abilities

They Have Extraordinary Abilities

The “whiskers” of catfish have taste receptors, allowing them to “sample” food before putting it in their mouths. Catfish are estimated to have 100 times more taste receptors than humans.

They Learn from One Another

They Learn from One Another

A study in the journal Animal Cognition reveals that fish are capable of learning by watching the actions of other fish, as well as cooperating toward common goals.

They Need Their Space

They Need Their Space

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University found that fish kept in small tanks become stressed and agitated, just like other animals kept in overcrowded or cramped conditions.

They Use Tools

They Use Tools

Science magazine reports that some fish use tools. A blackspot tuskfish, for example, was filmed using a rock to crack open a clam. According to Dr. Culum Brown, a behavioral ecologist at Macquarie University in Australia, tool use is probably common among fish, as it is in the rest of the animal kingdom.

Check out these cruelty-free, sea-inspired recipes!

Tuna Melt

Vegan Fish Sticks

Vegan Crab Cakes


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